A Thrill of Hope - Week 3: Day 2
Who Cares?
Who Cares? How many times have we heard this before? One person gets excited about something and others, with no indifference, say boldly about the topic, “who cares”? Really what they are saying isn’t that they do not really care. Instead, what they are saying is, “as long as it does not interfere with my life, I couldn’t care less.”
That wasn’t the case when Jesus was born. In fact, it was just the opposite. Herod cared because prophecy told him that someone more powerful was coming…someone with more authority was coming, and that individual would greatly affect his lifestyle and belief system. It would affect his lifestyle because those whom he had enslaved, would be set free. It would affect his belief system because he could no longer live in ignorance or denial. Think about that for a minute! Before we became aware of Jesus, we could do whatever we wanted based on our own thoughts or our own moral code. But after we met Jesus, we had to respond. Either by admitting that He is the King of Kings, or by turning and walking away. Either choice is a response.
The Bible says that Herod was troubled “when he heard.” I find it very interesting that nothing had been verified yet, nothing had occurred, but he was troubled.
Furthermore, all of Jerusalem seemed to share in that same mindset…they were troubled.
We have all heard a lot of things over our lifetimes, regardless of our age. Some have been troubling; other things, probably not so much. In fact, we have been troubled by things that we knew to be true, and sometimes we are troubled even when we know they are not.
Herod chose his approach to the Messiah. He chose before it even occurred and knew exactly how he would respond. Though it should not surprise us because his entire family line throughout history had been anti-Christ, or anti-God. They had been rebellious and hostile to all the things of the One True God for well over a century, probably even longer.
In spite of all his efforts, and all his information, Herod was unable to stop God’s plan. In fact, he did not even slow it down. Personally, I find great comfort in knowing that no one, not even me, will be able to hinder our mighty God’s plan. Truth is, we will not even be able to slow Him down.
So, as we continue to approach this Christmas season, just a few things come to mind. First, in spite of everything taking place in your life… no one, including you, is able to interfere with the plan God has for your life, for your today, tomorrow, or eternity! Secondly, we can decide how we will approach the Messiah. We can do it with hostility, or we can do it with a great appreciation and an attitude of worship. While our approach will not change the heart or plan of God, it will certainly determine the perspective and joy we experience in the coming days. Don’t get to consumed working against Him, it is far easier to join Him and enjoy the precious gifts we do have.
Still, there is one other thing that I would like to invite you to consider. There will be other Herod’s until Jesus returns. That simple fact should drive you to a greater appreciation for the truths of scripture and the promise of His return. This is the first Advent but there is yet another to come!
Who cares? If we say we care, what are some things that you are doing as you navigate through Advent, that say “I care?” The determination of our heart always leads to action. If only the world could see and understand our passion for Jesus.
Who Cares? How many times have we heard this before? One person gets excited about something and others, with no indifference, say boldly about the topic, “who cares”? Really what they are saying isn’t that they do not really care. Instead, what they are saying is, “as long as it does not interfere with my life, I couldn’t care less.”
That wasn’t the case when Jesus was born. In fact, it was just the opposite. Herod cared because prophecy told him that someone more powerful was coming…someone with more authority was coming, and that individual would greatly affect his lifestyle and belief system. It would affect his lifestyle because those whom he had enslaved, would be set free. It would affect his belief system because he could no longer live in ignorance or denial. Think about that for a minute! Before we became aware of Jesus, we could do whatever we wanted based on our own thoughts or our own moral code. But after we met Jesus, we had to respond. Either by admitting that He is the King of Kings, or by turning and walking away. Either choice is a response.
The Bible says that Herod was troubled “when he heard.” I find it very interesting that nothing had been verified yet, nothing had occurred, but he was troubled.
“When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.” —Matthew 2:3
Furthermore, all of Jerusalem seemed to share in that same mindset…they were troubled.
We have all heard a lot of things over our lifetimes, regardless of our age. Some have been troubling; other things, probably not so much. In fact, we have been troubled by things that we knew to be true, and sometimes we are troubled even when we know they are not.
Herod chose his approach to the Messiah. He chose before it even occurred and knew exactly how he would respond. Though it should not surprise us because his entire family line throughout history had been anti-Christ, or anti-God. They had been rebellious and hostile to all the things of the One True God for well over a century, probably even longer.
In spite of all his efforts, and all his information, Herod was unable to stop God’s plan. In fact, he did not even slow it down. Personally, I find great comfort in knowing that no one, not even me, will be able to hinder our mighty God’s plan. Truth is, we will not even be able to slow Him down.
So, as we continue to approach this Christmas season, just a few things come to mind. First, in spite of everything taking place in your life… no one, including you, is able to interfere with the plan God has for your life, for your today, tomorrow, or eternity! Secondly, we can decide how we will approach the Messiah. We can do it with hostility, or we can do it with a great appreciation and an attitude of worship. While our approach will not change the heart or plan of God, it will certainly determine the perspective and joy we experience in the coming days. Don’t get to consumed working against Him, it is far easier to join Him and enjoy the precious gifts we do have.
Still, there is one other thing that I would like to invite you to consider. There will be other Herod’s until Jesus returns. That simple fact should drive you to a greater appreciation for the truths of scripture and the promise of His return. This is the first Advent but there is yet another to come!
Who cares? If we say we care, what are some things that you are doing as you navigate through Advent, that say “I care?” The determination of our heart always leads to action. If only the world could see and understand our passion for Jesus.
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