But God
At least in my lifetime, America (as a nation) has pretty much had the attitude that we were exempt from things like Covid-19. We had been faced with pandemics in the past such as polio, swine flu, and small pox but we never imagined that something else could be right around the corner. Perhaps that is because we placed such an emphasis on our technology and our ever increasing medical science capabilities.
But God. If we have learned anything through this it has been that we are not exempt. Third world countries deal with this sort of thing quite regularly, as they do not have the financial or medical means to treat the common cold, or stomach virus. Yet, we have enjoyed the luxury of living in a country that comparatively speaking, has been able to overcome much more disease and sickness than most other countries…and we have been able to extend those benefits for the most part even to those who are financially insecure. In this way, as a nation we have been truly blessed for a long time. However, now we should know that we are not exempt from this sort of thing, and now than ever we should seek the face of God for His comfort, strength, and wisdom. It is He alone that can put a stop to this pandemic, and the truth is that only He can return what we have come to know as normal.
Though as a nation we have been humbled, know that those who are humble He exalts. That makes this a prime opportunity for us to rise up as a nation, and for us to individually rise up in Him, experiencing or bringing our ability to experience the power of the resurrection to a whole new level. For that we can be grateful. That in the midst of whatever we go through…whether we voluntarily humble ourselves or whether God permits our nation to shut down, we can rejoice that He alone will raise us up.
Undoubtedly he will use professionals. Thank God for our medical heroes and first responders. Thank God for our government leaders. But…pray for them. Pray for every one of them that they will be kept safe and that they will be afforded the wisdom they need to be the hands and feet of our living God whether they want to or not. We have been humbled, and I don’t know for how long but we worship the God that knows everything exactly. Let Him build you up, and rejoice in the truth that He is leading us through this. Will you follow?
Pastor Jeff
But God. If we have learned anything through this it has been that we are not exempt. Third world countries deal with this sort of thing quite regularly, as they do not have the financial or medical means to treat the common cold, or stomach virus. Yet, we have enjoyed the luxury of living in a country that comparatively speaking, has been able to overcome much more disease and sickness than most other countries…and we have been able to extend those benefits for the most part even to those who are financially insecure. In this way, as a nation we have been truly blessed for a long time. However, now we should know that we are not exempt from this sort of thing, and now than ever we should seek the face of God for His comfort, strength, and wisdom. It is He alone that can put a stop to this pandemic, and the truth is that only He can return what we have come to know as normal.
Though as a nation we have been humbled, know that those who are humble He exalts. That makes this a prime opportunity for us to rise up as a nation, and for us to individually rise up in Him, experiencing or bringing our ability to experience the power of the resurrection to a whole new level. For that we can be grateful. That in the midst of whatever we go through…whether we voluntarily humble ourselves or whether God permits our nation to shut down, we can rejoice that He alone will raise us up.
Undoubtedly he will use professionals. Thank God for our medical heroes and first responders. Thank God for our government leaders. But…pray for them. Pray for every one of them that they will be kept safe and that they will be afforded the wisdom they need to be the hands and feet of our living God whether they want to or not. We have been humbled, and I don’t know for how long but we worship the God that knows everything exactly. Let Him build you up, and rejoice in the truth that He is leading us through this. Will you follow?
Pastor Jeff
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A Thrill of Hope - Week 3: Day 2A Thrill of Hope - Week 3: Day 3A Thrill of Hope - Week 3: Day 4A Thrill of Hope - Week 3: Day 5A Thrill of Hope - Week 4: Day 1A Thrill of Hope - Week 4: Day 2A Thrill of Hope - Week 4: Day 3A Thrill of Hope - Week 4: Day 4A Thrill of Hope - Week 4: Day 5A Thrill of Hope - Week 5: Day 1A Thrill of Hope - Week 5: Day 2A Thrill of Hope - Week 5: Day 3A Thrill of Hope - Week 5: Day 4A Thrill of Hope - Week 5: Day 5
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