Covid-19: Is This the Beginning of the End Times?

I am growing weary of seeing and hearing people misquote or misinterpret scripture with all that is taking place in our world at the present time. Just last week I had a long discussion with a man who claimed he was a prophet. He further claimed that Jesus is returning on July 22nd of this year and that God told him to get people ready. That is heresy, because it is contrary to the Word of God. I have seen pictures of protesters misquoting scripture and claiming that the Covid-19 vaccine is going to be the mark of the beast. Again, heresy and contrary to scripture.

The first claim by the false prophet for the date of the coming of Christ is anti-scriptural for the mere fact that he is making the claim. As you know, Jesus tells us that no one knows the day or the hour of His coming (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32; Mark 10:22). Furthermore there is no claim in scripture that there will ever be another prophet announce His coming. Therefore, we can easily dismiss the reference to anyone ever “knowing” the date or time. Yet, we can and should be sensitive to the signs taking place around us, and while I believe that this pandemic is certainly being used by God to get our attention, my heart is broken for those who are desperately failing to see God reaching out to Him.

The second claim is heresy because the mark of the beast is being misrepresented. Although many Christians believe that the “mark of the beast” is a physical mark like a tattoo or scar, it is most likely not. In fact, Dr. Michael Halstead a Bible scholar and Theologian writes this in an article addressing Covid-19 and the Mark of the Beast:

I know of no reputable biblical scholar or theologian who would endorse that the COVID-19 quarantine or a vaccine is related to the “mark of the beast”. For starters, in Revelation, the “mark of the beast” is by no means a medical procedure. Most likely, it’s not even a physical or visible mark at all. Contrary to some of the more fear-inducing theories that have in the past gained steam in some evangelical circles, the “mark” is not at all something that could be accidentally taken either.

Why? Because the mark of the beast (Rev. 13:16-18) is a mark that is closely tied to the worship of the beast (13:12, 15; cf. 19:20; 20:4). Thus, the mark of the beast is a mark of loyalty and devotion to the beast.

Moreover, when you compare those passages where the mark of the beast is discussed with passages like Rev. 7 and 14, it is plausible to think that the mark of the beast is most likely a sign that identifies you as something you already are—namely wicked and evil, a person of the dragon. I say this because when you read Rev. 7:1-8 and 14:1 (where the mark of the Lamb is discussed), you’ll notice it is a mark given to God’s people, God’s servants, in order to identify them as such and, of course, to protect them. They get the mark of the Lamb because they are already united with the Lamb.

It seems pretty evident that all of this is the case because these two marks—the mark of the beast and the mark of the Lamb—are meant to be seen as two polar realities, two opposite signs, marking out as it were two different types of people, namely, the wicked on the one hand and the righteous on the other.

Seldom have I ever called out another’s belief as heresy, but I believe in these times that we need to call it as we see it. I believe that Christ confessing followers need to spend ample time in the Word of God equipping themselves against this sort of spiritual warfare. However, if you are going to spend time in the Word of God, please begin by praying. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you hear what your Father in heaven is trying to communicate to you. Ask Him to remove any distractions that may interfere with your ability to focus on what the Father is trying to say. And, ask Him to give you the desire to read, listen, and hear from the Lord so that you have an appetite for Him in His Word.

Church, we will overcome Covid-19, and before long we will be back worshipping together! Until then, stay strong, focused and in prayer for wisdom. For if God is departing wisdom upon you as He promises, you will have nothing to fear but the Lord Himself.

At the Feet of Jesus,
Pastor Jeff


Elisabeth - March 7th, 2021 at 1:40am

What if you're misleading people? Then what?

DENISE - March 21st, 2021 at 12:47am

The covid vaccine is mot the mark of the beast but an instrument that will be used to follow ut. Look up the Catholic Catechism and youll find where Sunday worship began. This led to the Dark ages where Sabbath keepers refused to bow to Rome and worship on Sunday but rsther kept the true biblical Sabbath and were killed as heretics. History will soon repeat itself because the Pope along with most of the protestant world are pushing to force businesses closed which will lead to forced Sunday worship.I recommend also watching Amazing Word Ministries this pastor is awesome at explaining things. Freind i want you and anyone reading this post to be saved.

Guy Fauqes - April 2nd, 2022 at 8:55pm

C19 is absolutely the beginning of an agenda that has been planned put for a long time. The next step will be a type of trackable chip, neurological interface with the internet, the d wave, and the A I. It will combine the mandatory gene editing, with ultimate surveillance, and digital currency. It will certainly be global. We are not seeing a symbolic Mark of the Beast, we are seeing the physical manifestation. Yes in will involve worship. It is the worship of Man and the Man of sin under the theme of Transhumanism. I am growing wearing of Christian leaders who can not see or are afraid of calling this out for what it is. The information is readily available to all. There are just no more excuses to be made.

No name - November 30th, 2021 at 7:06am

If the covid 19 pass is not the begining of the mark .how do you explain why you are forced to take the vacince .in order to show your pass to buy or sell.there if you dont have the vacince you will loose your work not be able to buy food please explain

Guy Fauqes - April 2nd, 2022 at 8:55pm

C19 is absolutely the beginning of an agenda that has been planned put for a long time. The next step will be a type of trackable chip, neurological interface with the internet, the d wave, and the A I. It will combine the mandatory gene editing, with ultimate surveillance, and digital currency. It will certainly be global. We are not seeing a symbolic Mark of the Beast, we are seeing the physical manifestation. Yes in will involve worship. It is the worship of Man and the Man of sin under the theme of Transhumanism. I am growing wearing of Christian leaders who can not see or are afraid of calling this out for what it is. The information is readily available to all. There are just no more excuses to be made.